How to Choose the Right Paver for Your Project: Concrete Pavers, Clay Brick, or Natural Stone
Suppose you have ever considered installing pavers for your yard or patio. In that case, you might wonder about the different types of pavers—what makes them unique, and what pavers […]
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Suppose you have ever considered installing pavers for your yard or patio. In that case, you might wonder about the different types of pavers—what makes them unique, and what pavers might best suit your project.
In this article, we’ll dive into the three types (concrete, clay brick, and natural stone) and then determine which ones are right for you.
Concrete Pavers
A concrete paver may be the first thing you imagine when considering pavers. This paving stone is made of molded concrete mixed together with aggregate. Concrete pavers can come in various sizes in finishes, leaving many options for you.
Concrete pavers have many texture options
What types of textures are available if you opt for regular concrete pavers? They don’t all have to be dull gray concrete if that’s not what you want!
Rustic pavers
If you like a tumbled and worn look, we have that option. These rustic styles fit perfectly in a mountain-style landscape and other types of rugged terrain.
Smooth pavers
Concrete can be standard and a little bit boring—or it can be sleek and modern. One of the texture options for regular concrete pavers includes formed and smooth stones. These fit well in new developments or landscaping with a contemporary aesthetic.
Cobble pavers
Old-world feel from regular concrete? It is possible! Rounded cobblestone pavers can bring a traditional texture to any outdoor space.
Textured paver
Paver stones that are textured offer patterns and swirls that bring a somewhat rugged feel, but in a perfect PNW way. Textured pavers are a great addition to Northwest landscaping.
Alpine Stone Jamestown Blend
Concrete pavers have many color options
Pavers are colored using dye and natural stone. You might be surprised at how many concrete paver color options are available!
Dark gray pavers
Dark gray concrete pavers can bring that sleek, updated feel to your outdoor space.
La Lastra Medium Square Charcoal
Light gray
Light gray paving stones can also feel modern, but it is a versatile colors that can go with any landscape, depending on which texture you choose.
A classic and bold choice, red concrete pavers will add an eye-catching element to your yard wherever you use them.
Octo Stone Boston Blend
Are you looking for a paver color that is more subtle and understated? The classic, earthy brown-toned pavers can fit well in nearly any landscaping style.
Leiden Jamestown Blend
Tan concrete pavers are classic and earthy, just like brown pavers. However, they can feel a bit more sleek and sophisticated if that is what you prefer.
La Lastra Desert Tan
Clay Brick
The second type of paver is a clay brick paver. These are made from clay and/or shale materials, then fired in a kiln at higher temperatures than what’s used for firewalls or chimney bricks.
Clay brick is solid and enduring
Clay brick pavers are solid and stain resistant, so they’ve been famous as construction and paving materials for thousands of years.
The high heat used in the making clay brick pavers also changes the pavers’ texture in a process called vitrification. This makes the pavers non-porous, meaning they will not absorb any water.
Clay brick has limited style options
Clay brick pavers come in limited sizes, shapes, and colors. They are most easily obtained in rectangular and square shapes. Clay brick paver colors happen naturally when mixing various types of clay. This means colors are limited to only earthy tones.
Natural Stone
The last paver type is formed from natural stones.
Flagstone and fieldstone
Pavers created from natural stones are most commonly formed from flagstone and fieldstone. These are wavy, variegated, and often used for whimsical garden paths.
Limestone is another natural stone that is often used for pavers. Pavers made from limestone are strong, light-colored, and frequently implemented for edging.
Did you know you could pave your patio with a favorite Roman building material? Travertine stones are smooth and often white, making stunning building material. Travertine pavers retain their natural color and easily withstand the weather. They also seldom need cleaning.
Sleek and shiny granite is another natural stone sometimes used for pavers. They create a strong hardscape that is very beautiful—and also on the high end of cost.
This dark volcanic rock can be made into elegant paving stones. It is durable and strong and makes a classy touch to any outdoor space.
Chalkboard … as a paver? Yes, slate can be used for paving stones! It can be made into flat and smooth pavers, often working well beside pools and water features.
While not a traditional flat paver, cobblestones are an option for hardscaping. These rocks, worn smooth by weather and water, will bring an old-world feel to whatever space you use them without fail.
Which paver material is best for you?
Since there are so many types of pavers, how do you know which one is best for you?
Concrete pavers
If you want a wide variety of options for color and texture, concrete pavers will bring you that versatility. Concrete pavers are also the most cost-effective option and are always durable.
Clay brick
Wanting a more traditional look? Clay brick pavers are probably the best option for you. They have an old-fashioned feel and old-fashioned quality—they can take a beating.
Natural stone
If the expense of natural stone doesn’t faze you, it is an excellent option for your hardscaping. Natural stone pavers will always bring an elegant look to your yard and the advantage of natural permeability.
Get started on your paver project with our planning guide
Choosing a paver can sure feel overwhelming. You have to consider size, style, thickness, color, and more. That’s why we made a short and simple quiz that asks a few questions about what you’re looking for and, at the end, provides a recommendation, or two, you can start with.