Chateau Wall™ is an easy-to-use wall system that utilizes four different-sized units which can be used individually or in combination. This unique product can be used for retaining walls, fences, columns, and steps to produce a very unique and satisfying project.
Planning Your Project
Prepare a layout for your Chateau Wall™ project on paper. Projects that retain soil and are over 36″ high should be engineered. Determine the face square feet of wall and any columns you will have. When calculating wall face square footage, remember that you will have at least the first layer of block buried below the finished soil grade. Decide which block sizes you want to use, and then calculate the quantity of each product size you need. Also, consider the type of caps you would like to use. Mark out on the ground the parameters of the project. Use a string line to lay out long straight areas of the project, and to help with curves, use a garden hose or PVC pipe.
Preparing the Base
Excavate the soil 10″-12″ below grade and at least 4″ wider on each side than the blocks you are laying. Refer to the installation diagrams for details and a better understanding of varied types of projects. With unstable soils, increase the depth of excavation as required to allow for a deeper base. Place ODOT ¾”-0 gravel into the excavation area to a minimum depth of 6″ and level it. Next, compact the gravel with a hand tamper or plate compactor. Make sure that you have a minimum of 12″ of excavation behind the wall for gravel backfill. This may need to be increased, depending on soil type.
Positioning the Bottom Course
Set the bottom course of block at the desired position on top of the prepared gravel. Using a large rubber mallet and a level, adjust the block until it is level, end to end, and front to back. Set the adjacent blocks in the same manner, using a string line or a level to keep long runs straight and flat.
Building and Backfilling
Place two ¾” beads of Western Interlock approved flexible construction adhesive on top of the base course. Set the next course of block on top of the adhesive, offsetting the joints between the blocks on each consecutive course, and continue in this manner along the entire length of the wall. Retaining walls require a setback of ¾” per course to obtain the necessary setback angle. Accomplish this by using a square ¾” piece of wood or a tape measure to space each block back the required amount. Continue this process one layer at a time until the desired height is obtained. Retaining walls require backfill of ODOT ¾”-0 gravel to within 6″ of the finish height. Backfill and compact behind each course as the wall is built. Use a masonry saw to make any necessary cuts.
Finishing the Wall
The Chateau Wall™ does not require a separate cap. However, depending on the look desired, there are several options available. Any of the Western Interlock paving stones that have a width of 8″ or more can be used, as well as Chateau Wall™ 300s turned sideways. If you want a cleaner look, Monaco Coping or Murata™ Cappello make perfect caps for Chateau Wall™. Large Murata™ Cappello post caps for columns are also available, along with precast textured post caps.