The Benefits of Using Gator Base in Paver Installation
If you have ever installed pavers, you know how important it is to use a proper base material. If you want your pavers to be stable and last a long time, you cannot shortcut using a proven base material.
· 3 minutes
DIY with WI
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If you have ever installed pavers, you know how important it is to use a proper base material. If you want your pavers to be stable and last a long time, you cannot shortcut using a proven base material.
Traditionally, crushed rock or gravel is used as a base for pavers. However, here at Western Interlock, one of the top products we recommend for a paver base is a product called Gator Base.
In this blog post, we are covering some of the major benefits of using this product as the base for your hardscape installation, as well as some downsides of not using Gator Base if you decide to go a different direction for your paver foundation.
Benefits of Gator Base
Gator Base panels are somewhat revolutionary for paver installation. They are incredibly easy to install and can significantly cut down on the time needed for your hardscape project. The normal process of laying a base of crushed gravel requires smoothing and compaction, unlike Gator Base which simply lays flat and interlocks.
Gator Base is also more durable than most other base products and will enhance the performance of your pavers. It has excellent drainage, preventing water buildup and potential paver washout. It also protects against the cycles of freezing and thawing each season that can often shift pavers around if they are installed on a traditional base.
Downsides of Not Using Gator Base
As you can see, not using Gator Base amplifies the risk of pavers wearing out more quickly. That is not to say that using a traditional paver base will automatically ruin your hardscape, but it does run the potential risk of sooner shifting and destabilizing. A gravel base also does not stand up as well to the freezing temperatures of the PNW and the freeze-thaw cycles that come frequently.
Another downside of using a traditional base for your hardscape is that it requires much more time in the installation process. Because of the amount of excavating, smoothing, and compacting required with a standard gravel base, you will end up with a longer total DIY process.
Explore Additional Resources
Gator Base offers many benefits to your paver project that you should consider. However, whether you opt to go with Gator Base or a traditional base for your hardscape, we will be happy to assist you as much as possible. We offer resources for every part of the hardscape process, from paver selection to the very finishing touches and on to routine paver maintenance. We want to make every step as easy for you as we can.
If you are ready to get started choosing what pavers will go best with your dream hardscape design, you can click here to make your choice from our selection of products. Also, check out our DIY with WI page for access to tutorials, guides, and more. Our team will be happy to assist you with any questions or personalized advice you need for your hardscape project.
Choosing a paver can sure feel overwhelming. You have to consider size, style, thickness, color, and more. That’s why we made a short and simple quiz that asks a few questions about what you’re looking for and, at the end, provides a recommendation, or two, you can start with.