Common Mistakes People Make While Screeding a Bedding Layer for Pavers
If you are leveling a bedding layer for your pavers, you must know a few crucial things to avoid. In this blog post, we look at the most common mistakes people make while screeding a bedding layer for pavers so that you can avoid them and end up with a successful project.
· 3 minutes
DIY with WI
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If you are leveling a bedding layer for your pavers, you must know a few crucial things to avoid. In this blog post, we look at the most common mistakes people make while screeding a bedding layer for pavers so that you can avoid them and end up with a successful project.
1. Laying bedding that’s either too deep or too shallow
The first mistake people often make is laying a bedding layer that’s not an ideal depth. A bedding layer that is too thin will cause your hardscape to be uneven or rigid. A bedding layer that is too thick will be too soft, allowing your pavers to shift and sink into the bedding. You want to make sure to avoid both ends of the spectrum!
If you can’t fit a carpenter’s pencil underneath the screed rails, you’re good to go!
Ideally, you should aim for 1” or 25mm. If you use 1” outside diameter square tubing, you will be set to have the perfect depth in your bedding layer.
2. Not laying a bedding layer at all
The second mistake that DIYers frequently make is not laying bedding at all. Your pavers need a bedding layer—it doesn’t work to just put pavers on dirt or gravel.
If you do not use a bedding layer, the pavers will not settle properly; they will rise and sink over time. The pavers will also fail to interlock correctly if they are not laid on bedding—meaning they will eventually shift and become uneven.
3. Only screeding in one direction
As you level the bedding layer, ensure you do not do it in only one direction. This is a common mistake that will cause inaccurate leveling. Instead, make sure you screed back and forth. Push and pull to provide accurate leveling without any inconsistencies or inaccuracies.
4. Using base material for the bedding layer
There’s a difference between the bedding and base layers of your hardscape. The bedding layer is thin. It’s the one you’ll place the pavers on. The base layer, on the other hand, is thicker and sits below your bedding layer.
The base material is typically larger aggregate like ¾”-0 road base, while the bedding layer should be ¼”-10 crushed gravel if laying open graded or bedding sand. Ensure you do not lay your pavers on road base gravel, dirt, or play sand—they will be neither level nor long-lasting.
5. Stepping on the bedding layer after screeding
Ensure you do not step on the bedding layer after scrolling it. If you do, you will create unwanted voids that will affect how level your pavers are after your project. If you have to walk on the bedding layer for any reason, place a board over the bedding layer and walk on the board to disperse your weight.
6. Failing to fill any voids before laying pavers
The final most common mistake people often make is failing to fill any voids or holes in the bedding layer before installing the hardscape. The most common void comes from screed rails, so once you remove your screed rails, make sure you fill in the resulting gaps.
To fill the void left by screed rails, use a hand trowel or hand shovel and toss some bedding material into your void. Use a broom or board to distribute the material evenly.
Download our Planning Guide
If you are ready to start on your paver project, check out our free Project Planning Guide for step-by-step details on how to get started.
Choosing a paver can sure feel overwhelming. You have to consider size, style, thickness, color, and more. That’s why we made a short and simple quiz that asks a few questions about what you’re looking for and, at the end, provides a recommendation, or two, you can start with.